How to work as an artist in Brazil? How to create alternative fundings where even the dominant ways of producing art are scarce? How to create community in a precarious context when survival mode operates through competition? How to create a web and an economy of the sensible? For whom do we work for? Who pays us? With whom do we work? To whom to we pay what we earn? Why do we work? What is specific in the artists work? How to constantly question what you do, what is its function, at the same time as trying to structure it? How to sustain economically an activity which value based in affect? How to create a structure to pass by? How to create a zone in constant reorganization, constant process, aware of the risk of the necessity of creating territories in order to deterritorialize?
ganhapão (breadwinner) is a structure about and for work, a mobile mode of organisation in which, although interested in sustainability, is articulated through the practical realities and necessities of each artist. the artists are interdependent, get together through affinity, desire of support, and through the search for working conditions. conditions to continue to work, or conditions in which would be possible to invent the working conditions and practices needed at each moment. ganhapão works from the desire to continue. learns what it is and what it can become while doing it. works flows through it and it could be a lichen. ganhapão gather artists Clarissa Sacchelli and Laura Salerno that gathers with other artists and agents.
ganhapão (breadwinner) emerges from the encounter between brazilian artists
Clarissa Sacchelli and Laura Salerno, who live and work mainly in the latin american experimental context. it's interests lies on the relations between production, product, reception and artwork.